Board Feet to Square Feet Calculator

Board Feet to Square Feet Calculator

Square Feet: 0.00 sq ft

A Board Feet to Square Feet Calculator is a crucial tool for woodworking and construction industries. It helps professionals and DIY enthusiasts convert board feet, a volume measurement used for lumber, into square feet, an area measurement. This conversion is essential for determining the amount of surface area that can be covered with a specific quantity of wood.

How the Board Feet to Square Feet Calculator Works

This calculator facilitates the transformation of lumber measurements from volume (board feet) to area (square feet), based on the thickness of the lumber. Understanding this conversion is vital for accurate material estimation, ensuring that projects are planned with the correct amount of wood.

Key Inputs:

  • Board Feet: The volume of lumber in board feet.
  • Thickness of Lumber (inches): The thickness of the wood, which is crucial to calculate the area that the given volume can cover.

Conversion Formula:

To convert board feet to square feet, the formula is:

Square Feet = Board Feet × (12 / Thickness in inches)

This formula accounts for the thickness of the lumber, ensuring the area calculation corresponds to how the wood will be used (e.g., for panels, flooring).

General Terms and Definitions Table

Board FeetA unit of measure for the volume of lumber, representing a piece of wood one foot long, one foot wide, and one inch thick.
Square FeetA unit of area measurement used to determine the size of a surface.
ThicknessThe dimension of the lumber from one surface to the opposite surface, typically measured in inches.

Example of Calculator Use

Calculate the number of square feet available from 100 board feet of lumber, which is 2 inches thick.


  • Board Feet: 100
  • Thickness of Lumber: 2 inches

Using the formula:

Square Feet = 100 × (12 / 2) = 600 square feet

You can cover 600 square feet with 100 board feet of 2-inch thick lumber.

Most Common FAQs

1. Why is the thickness of the lumber important in this calculation?
Thickness determines how the volume of the wood translates into a usable surface area, which varies significantly with changes in thickness.

2. Can this calculator be used for any type of wood or lumber dimensions?
Yes, this calculator works for any wood type or dimension as long as you know the board feet and thickness of the lumber.

3. What is the difference between board feet and square feet?
Board feet measure volume, indicating the quantity of wood, while square feet measure area, indicating the surface covered by the wood.

4. How accurate is this calculator?
The calculator is very accurate if correct inputs are given. Ensure the measurements, especially the thickness, are accurate.

5. What should I consider when purchasing lumber based on square feet needs?
Consider the wastage, cuts, and the actual usable material after processing. Always purchase a little more than calculated to account for unexpected needs or errors.

The Board Feet to Square Feet Calculator is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in construction or woodworking. It provides a straightforward method to convert lumber volume into a measurable area, essential for project planning and budgeting.

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