Gematria Calculator

Gematria Calculator

Gematria Value: 0

A Gematria Calculator is a specialized tool used to calculate the numerical value of words or phrases based on ancient alphanumeric codes. This type of calculator is frequently used in the study of Hebrew texts, Kabbalah, and other mystic traditions to explore deeper meanings, connections, and interpretations based on the numerical values of words.

How the Gematria Calculator Works

Gematria is an alphanumeric code where letters are assigned numerical values. A Gematria Calculator automates the process of summing up these values for any given word or phrase to find its corresponding numerical value, facilitating deeper textual analysis and interpretation in religious and mystic studies.

Key Inputs:

  • Text: The word or phrase to be analyzed.
  • Gematria System: The specific numeric system to apply (e.g., Hebrew, English Gematria). Different traditions may use different systems.

Common Gematria Systems:

  • Hebrew Gematria: Traditional values assigned to Hebrew letters.
  • English Gematria: Assigns values to the letters of the English alphabet, typically through various systematic approaches such as English Ordinal or Full Reduction.

Calculation Method:

The calculator maps each letter of the input text to its corresponding value and sums these values to produce a total numerical value for the text.

General Terms and Definitions Table

GematriaAn alphanumeric code of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase, based on the letters’ values.
Numerical ValueThe sum of the values of each letter in a word or phrase as per the Gematria system.
Hebrew GematriaThe system of Gematria traditionally used for Hebrew texts.
English GematriaA system of Gematria adapted for the English alphabet.

Example of Calculator Use

Calculate the Gematria value of the Hebrew word “חי” (chai), which means “life.”


  1. Input the text: “חי”
  2. Identify letter values: ח (Chet) = 8, י (Yod) = 10
  3. Calculation:
  • Total value = 8 (Chet) + 10 (Yod) = 18

The Gematria value of “חי” is 18, a number that holds significant meaning in Jewish culture, often associated with life and good fortune.

Most Common FAQs

1. Can Gematria provide insights into other languages besides Hebrew?
Yes, while traditionally associated with Hebrew, Gematria systems have been adapted for many languages, including English and Greek, allowing for similar types of analysis.

2. Is there a standard system for English Gematria?
There are several systems used for English Gematria, including the Simple English Gematria, which assigns a value of 1 to ‘A’, 2 to ‘B’, and so on up to 26 for ‘Z’.

3. How can Gematria be used in practical terms?
In spiritual or mystical studies, Gematria can be used to interpret texts or find hidden meanings and connections between different words or phrases with the same numerical value.

4. Are there different types of Gematria calculators available online?
Yes, there are various online calculators that cater to different forms of Gematria, including Hebrew, English, and others, each offering tools tailored to specific traditions.

5. What is the significance of numerical results in Gematria?
Numerical values in Gematria are often interpreted symbolically or spiritually. For example, certain numbers might be considered auspicious or linked to specific biblical verses or concepts.

The Gematria Calculator is a fascinating tool that opens up the world of textual analysis through the lens of numerology, providing users with insights into the mystical and symbolic dimensions of language.

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