Joey Yap Bazi Calculator

Joey Yap Bazi Calculator

BaZi Chart:

The Joey Yap Bazi Calculator is a specialized tool based on Chinese Metaphysics, more specifically, the study of Bazi, or Four Pillars of Destiny. This calculator provides insights into a person’s life potential and destiny by analyzing their birth date and time. Joey Yap, a renowned figure in Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology, has popularized this tool to help individuals understand their personal strengths, weaknesses, and major life events.

How the Joey Yap Bazi Calculator Works

The Bazi Calculator constructs a person’s Bazi chart, which consists of four pillars representing the year, month, day, and hour of birth. Each pillar is associated with two elements: one Heavenly Stem and one Earthly Branch, making up a total of eight characters. The interaction of these elements reveals various details about a person’s life.

Key Inputs:

  • Date of Birth: Includes the year, month, day, and precise time of birth.
  • Location of Birth: Adjusts for time zone differences which are crucial for accurate hour pillar calculation.

Calculation Method:

  1. Convert Birth Data: Translate the Gregorian date of birth into the Chinese lunar calendar.
  2. Determine the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches: Each component of the birth date is matched with a specific Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch based on traditional Chinese almanac tables.
  3. Construct the Bazi Chart: Organize the Stems and Branches into the four pillars.

General Terms and Definitions Table

BaziAlso known as ‘Four Pillars of Destiny’, a Chinese astrological concept that believes a person’s destiny is determined by the cosmic elements at the time of birth.
Heavenly StemsTen basic elements that are cyclically used in the Chinese calendar and astrology, representing different characteristics and energies.
Earthly BranchesTwelve animal signs associated with the Chinese zodiac, each carrying unique traits and relationships with other elements.
PillarsThe columns in a Bazi chart that represent different components of time: Year, Month, Day, and Hour.

Example of Calculator Use

An individual born on October 10, 1990, at 9:15 AM, in New York City, wants to explore their Bazi chart for personal insight.


  • Input the birth date and time into the calculator.
  • The calculator converts these to the corresponding Chinese lunar date and determines the appropriate Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.
  • A Bazi chart is generated showing the four pillars of destiny based on the provided data.

Most Common FAQs

1. What can a Bazi chart reveal about a person?
A Bazi chart offers insights into a person’s personality, potential life paths, health, wealth prospects, and interpersonal relationships.

2. How accurate is the Joey Yap Bazi Calculator?
The accuracy depends on the precision of the birth time and the correctness of the conversion algorithms used in the calculator. It’s generally considered a guide rather than an absolute prediction.

3. Is the time of birth crucial for Bazi calculation?
Yes, the hour of birth affects the Hour Pillar, which is a significant component of the chart and can influence the overall reading.

4. How does Bazi differ from Western astrology?
While both systems aim to analyze destinies based on astronomical data at the time of birth, Bazi focuses on the balance of five elements derived from Chinese cosmology and is deeply intertwined with Taoist philosophy.

5. Where can one learn more about interpreting a Bazi chart?
Joey Yap’s books, courses, and his official website offer extensive resources on how to interpret Bazi charts, alongside training programs in Chinese Metaphysics.

The Joey Yap Bazi Calculator is an enlightening tool for those interested in exploring the depth of Chinese astrological traditions and gaining deeper self-awareness and understanding of their life’s potential according to the ancient wisdom of Bazi.

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